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Get to Know: Caves Collect

Who: Johanna Howe

What: Co-Owner / Co-Founder / Designer at Caves Collect

Where: Melbourne, Australia

First, would you describe your background as an artist/designer/creative? When/what was your first creative memory?

I studied Fashion Design at RMIT University in Melbourne, that's where I really learnt how to sew. Before that, I sewed at home, mainly altering clothes I found at the OP shops. I remember as a kid, always being pretty creative. I loved making miniature houses in the base of Oak Trees on camping holidays with my cousins. We'd make the houses out of little pieces of bark with slate roofs, tiny stairs leading up to them and little moss gardens. They were extremely detailed! My cousins are super creative - my favorite older cousin, who I remember looking up to a lot, was incredible at sewing, she worked in bridal. I think that she probably influenced me wanting to do fashion later on. 

What compelled you and Sarah Russell to create "Caves Collect"?

Sarah moved into my shared house in Brunswick, Melbourne, whilst I was in my final year of Fashion Design at RMIT. I'd actually known Sarah loosely for years - we're both from Adelaide originally, and our mums were friends when we were kids. Anyway, she moved into my house because we had a spare room, and we got to know each other a lot better. Sarah has a background in shoe making, she studied it in Adelaide, straight out of high school, so she'd been doing it for nearly 10 years! Anyway, we'd sit on the front porch and talk about what we wanted to do - we both felt very disconnected from the commercial Australian fashion industry and really wanted to do something different. The idea for Caves Collect grew out of those porch discussions. At first, it was more of a creative side project, but then it grew into something we wanted to really throw ourselves into.

What an amazing story! So, when crafting your clothes what is the ideal end result? How do you want women to look or feel?

It's pretty simple really. We want to make clothes that women can rely on. Things that they know they'll feel good in all day. We work very hard on getting the cuts just right. We obsesses over adding an extra 5mm to a hem length or how tapered to make a pant leg. Everything is extremely considered. So I guess the ideal result is the 'dream' Ciggie Pant or the 'dream' pair of shorts or the 'dream' t-shirt. 

Are there any designers that your admire or pull inspiration from? Do you have any role models?

We are all about the mentality of buying less and buying better, so we make our clothes to last. Any designer who exemplifies this idea, is an inspiration and role model to us. 

Is there a place or time when you feel you're your most creative? Could be a daily routine?

There isn't a particular time of day or even place that I am most creative. I think that as a creative person it's very hard to sit down and design or come up with something. I think it has to be more of an organic process. Things will pop into my head at the most random times and places! 

Exactly, it can be so random at times! Do you have any goals for the new year? For yourselves? For Caves Collect?

Sarah and I are very excited about this year. We've got lots of new ideas for things we want to design, so stay tuned! 

We shall! Last, do you have any advice, life hacks, or professional wisdom for other creatives?

Enjoy what you do! 

And of course, where can we go to find more of Caves Collect?

Well we are looking to wholesale this year, so hopefully there will be somewhere not too far from you, very soon! 


Thank you to the lovely ladies of Caves Collect. Photos belong Caves Collect, to find more and shop click the photos or the link below.