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Get to Know: Samantha Pleet

Name: Samantha Pleet

Title: Fashion Designer

Located: Brooklyn, New York

Hi Samantha, thanks for taking the time to chat! Well, let's dive right in, when did you start designing? Or when did you realize you had creative talent?

I grew up interested in art, music, and acting, I knew I would choose something creative as I loved working with my hands. I have a need to create from my imagination, fashion design has allowed me to create my own world with characters inspired by my favorite films and books. I have been doing this since I was a little girl, playing dress up with pals in a fantastical world. I still do this today and am lucky enough to have created this job for myself.  

Your work is very magical! When did you know designing was a path you wanted to pursue?

I was studying painting and sculpture at Pratt Institute, I thought it was a great education, but I had some friends in the fashion department and loved all the projects they were working on. I decided to switch my major and after graduating and doing various internships, and here I am now!

How would you describe your customer?

I have a very creative customer, so many of the women who wear my clothes are also small business owners, photographers, actors, artists, writers, chefs, and do so many amazing inspiring things I couldn’t fit it all onto this page. I want to keep it interesting for everyone, so I am always producing photo shoots and collaborating with people who inspire me.

Do you have an artist statement? 

To create clothes that have not been created before. To make the wearer look and feel confident and sexy, with a touch of magic to make her stand out and inspire! It’s about feeling and looking like a heroin from your favorite novel. To feel inspired to create the most exciting story in your own life, and what to wear while doing it all!

Continued…What’s your design process like? Where do you find inspiration?

I start with a theme or movie or period of time that has been on my mind, or that I keep coming back to, and then I'll make a mood board based off of that. I collect imagery that inspires certain silhouettes, embroidery, fabrics, or color choices. Then I just start drawing and draping fabrics and creating new techniques and patterns. The SS17 collection was inspired by Mid Summers Nights Dream, I was pregnant while I was designing it and was craving fruit, so it came out very luscious! I painted a watercolor of fruits and fairies that I used for a print, and also came up with a seed embroidery. Eventually, I'll dream up all the pieces, then have them make sense together with the help of my husband and partner, Patrick.

It's amazing what little things pop up as inspiration. So, you’re also a photographer, when did you start photographing? How would you describe your photos?

I have always been interested in photography, I was just doing a photo-shoot last week, and I ended pulling out all these old photos from my 90’s raver days, and I realized not much has changed in terms of documenting every moment of my life. I love photos that capture the magic of life in unexpected ways and somewhat awkward inspiring moments.

Are there designers that you admire? Do you have any role models?

I love designers that are playful. In college, I was in love with Marc Jacobs, I would save up all my money to buy pieces to mix in with my vintage collection. I am so in love with the the work of Elsa Schiaparelli, her work was so playful, and of course Prada is always up to new and exciting things all the time.  

Yes, to all of them! Last, do you have any advice, life hacks, or professional wisdom for other creatives?  

I recently had a baby and I thought it was going to be so hard to keep everything going. It seems the opposite is true for me, I have learned how to better balance my time, and my daughter makes me so happy, one smile and I melt. I realize that so many creative people who I admire do have children and still have the most amazing ideas of their lives, I don't think you have to really grow up, ever!

And of course, where can we find more of Samantha Pleet? 

You can find it on as well as our stockists like Bona Drag, Living Collective, American Two Shot, Myrtle, and more!  Follow me @samanthapleet on instagram


Round of applause for the lovely Samantha Pleet! All photos belong to Samantha.